Reiki Courses

  • Reiki Level 1

    Discover Reiki energy. Understand how to give it to yourself as well as on somebody else. A comprehensive course where you get to not only learn all the techniques and procedures to give reiki.

    $275 CAD

  • Reiki Level 2

    From discovering Reiki energy, learn the first 3 symbols of reiki and their use. Use the symbols in a direct practice. You will also learn the chakras functions.You will receive an introduction to learn how to read a person's energy field when you practice on someone. Learn to read the energy of each chakra. Learn charts that will help you to see what is influencing the energy field. Learn on top of that to do distance Reiki.

    $300 CAD

  • Reiki Level 3 Master Practitioner

    The final Stage to be a master practitioner is to learn the master symbol. This symbol, combined with other symbols, harmonizes the other symbols in the practice. In this course, I give you a deeper knowledge of energy reading. A better understanding of energy and its impact on our everyday life. You will be able to give sessions professionally. I offer in extra how to dowse with the pendulum. You get to read through the pendulum where the energy is needed, to know with more precision where to send reiki. Finally I offer you a symbol coming from my energy research.This symbol is to give access to other dimensions and helps to be centred so that we can read what is happening with the least influence possible. It can be combined with other reiki symbols.

    $300 CAD

  • Reiki Level Master Teacher

    In this course, I will give you all the placements of Reiki energy required to become a Master teacher. You will be able to give Reiki group meditation, and obviously the capacity to give placements so that the students can use reiki energy enabling them to practice reiki with symbols. A revision of all the knowledge learned in level one two and three required to be a master teacher and fine tuning, your capacity to read energy. To understand the difference between information coming from the mind and the information coming from your spirit. The spirit communicates through your inspiration, the mind through analysis and a choice. You will give a full session as if you receive a client for you to know what to do with all the other aspects of giving a reiki session. How to ask questions. How to take care of the person, friend or client that you are about to give reiki to. It helps to have enough knowledge to offer a reiki service. This is a 3 day course.

    $1000 CAD

In person sessions/consultations are held at one of the following locations. Location is chosen by proximity and availability.

1565, avenue du Mont-Royal Est,
Montréal, QC, H2J 1Z3
Métro: station Mont-Royal

7, Place du Commerce #202
Montréal, QC, H3E 2B5
Bus: 168, 178

4365 rue Saint-Denis
Montréal, QC, H2J 2L2
Métro: Station Mont-Royal
Bus : 30, 361, 427, 29

3287 St-Jacques Local 105
Métro: Station Lionel Groulx

Price includes sales taxes. Payments can be made in person in cash or via e-transfer.
You can also make your payment via PayPal.