Integrative Meditation in Motion

Experience energy in physical movements. Feel the energy motioning your movement in a sequence based on internal martial arts. Read the energy in you and around you. See where it guides your attention. Is it in your mind, emotion, inspiration, or in the physical movement itself? The meditation in motion is an inner journey to see how you identify with your actions as well how you react in any life exchange. To free yourself from your attachment to them.

This integrative meditation will lead you to be centred instead of influenced with people or situations around. When we feel any influence, it leads to resistance, acceptance or overpower. Any influence in an exchange unbalances us if we are not centred. Our standpoint comes from defining if what we live is good for us or bad for us. As soon as we do that, we are in a state of duality. This duality leads most of the time in confrontations or troubles and everyday actions in human lives..

This meditation brings openness and capacity to read how you are inside and guide you to be centred instead of taking sides. When  we are centred, things are back in the right perspective. The global one. The flow of energy is not trapped into specific ways of expressing and flows freely. When centred, we live our inner debates differently. These inner debates are coming from our learned ways of doing and what our soul and spirit is inspiring us to do. It also comes from the need to change our ways and the resistance to do so from our attachment. We need to look at our learned ways and learned behaviours in their essentiality. Is this way really communicating its purpose? Or is communicating something totally different. As an example, Christmas is no longer a religious ritual for most people. We keep the word Christmas anyway. This leads to debate and confusion. There are many ways and behaviours that are totally derogatory and contradict the very purpose that they are supposed to portray. These so-called reflexes and automatic behaviours have to be revisited, eliminated or transformed. 

Through meditation in motion you will be attentive to what is happening within you. In a solo or with a partner exercise. You will be able to read what is happening around you and in your partner. Read the interaction and what is happening in you when we do them. Are you nervous, calm, influenced by your surroundings? Do you self-talk, judge, decide in our mind what is happening or see them for real? Do you try to take charge and overpower? Are you overpowered? Why is it that way? We have to go underneath these ways of behaving otherwise we can’t be centred. 

These ways of expression can be compared to the waves of the sea. The waves of the sea are harmonious, chaotic, or taking all kinds of directions. Waves are at the surface of the sea.  All these preoccupations and troubles are in fact  the surface of who you are. When you observe only the waves, you don’t see the depth of the sea yet. Come and explore your inner sea. The surface of the sea is chaotic and unpredictable. When you are in your inner sea you are at the root level of each wave and can modify the waves. When we are at the level of the wave, we are browbeaten and rocked by them with any possibility of changes.

The effect of duality is on the surface. Go deeper in your inner sea. Realize that it is possible to remain centred even when things go good, bad or stay still. You can be centred while you receive, when you are in a state of stillness, and when you are in action. Being centred brings you calmness. Your attention widens when you don’t take sides. You are present in all the steps of the process. You read the situation globally.

In the integrative mediation in motion, you will experience a solo exercise, and an exercise with a partner. I will bring unpredictability in the meditation for you to remove the mind control sensor to see how you would genuinely behave in an uncalled for situation. The martial arts is bringing this unpredictability.  It will make you realize your first response to the unexpected. Are you influenced by emotions? Try to control what is happening or overpower the situation. Are you in chaos? You will see how useless it is to go from black to white, good and bad. You will understand that taking advantage of someone leads us to also be the victim even when winning. This living hell is a mind creation: Mind games to distort any situation to get what you want or what you want it to be instead of simply reading what is.

When we are centred, it disappears. Not because there is no chaos, but because you do not react to it. You see what motions these chaotic movements. You reached a position deeper than the waves of emotion, principle, and ways of doing. Your attention reads what is essential in all of them. You are not carried away by their ways of doing or by your ways of doing. When you know the source of the energy that feeds these behaviours, you can intervene on a deeper level and totally change the situation and make it a centred situation where everyone unifies. Where the illusions disappear. Where the ego dissolves to the benefits of each and everyone of us.When we are centred there are no sides to take, but all sides are globally covered. This meditation will help you to have knowledge to defuse chaos and the effect of duality. You will realize that being centred is a very deep involvement in life itself. Being centred is letting the flow of energy freely for each and everyone of us..

Integrative meditation in motion twice a month.

  1. Gentle warm up exercise connecting with your energy.

  2. The solo meditation sequence

  3. Thematic exercise with a partner

  4. Reading of the motion exercise.

YouTube videos will soon be available! Here is my channel: