Octagon energy centers your attention at the essence of everything. When centered, the wall of appearance dissolves. You then have free access to your inner world and the inner world of everyone else instead of the illusions of appearances.

Octagon Energy Activation


O-The Home of transformation and

C-luminous knowledge. 

T- To reach the absolute impartial truth. 

A- That will make you connect through faith to the Spiritual realms.

G-To receive from Spiritual source, to become the reflection of these Spiritual sources.

O - Making the Spiritual source your home. 

N-Through knowledge coming from direct experience, deprived of any attraction for the ways of expression. Always enlightened by the flame of knowledge and not by the flame shape. A flame is always the same and yet never the same in shape. Always center ourselves with the source of fire in the infinite ever changing shapes that the flame takes.

This energy is working on balancing the energy flow between the five dimensions that constitutes our existence. The 5 Dimensions are : Essential dimension, Inspiration/direction, Mind/Visualization, Emotion/Flow of Communication, Physical /Materialization.

Because we learned how to behave in our every day lives from parents teachings and from what we learned by choice, our learned behavior is filtering our 5 dimensions. That is why we are more open to some specific dimensions than others.

As an example, if our father is an intellectual, we will be more inclined to read book and going for intellectual work. We have learned to be open to this aspect of our 5 dimensions (mind and visualization). How we learn to be from parents and culture is why we are attracted to some things and not for others. Even if we are inclined to intellectual perspective, it doesn’t mean that we are not gifted in sports as well, but will not go there because it is not familiar for us.

The Octagon Energy allows to clear the path for you to have a better access to each dimension allowing a wider perspective and develop your expression to its fullest. Many people experience life without making any changes and obviously not living to their full potential. For some, they would love to make changes. Octagon Energy allows that to happen. It helps you to be centered. When centered, we are not influenced with dualistic aspect. Octagon Energy elevates the frequencies when there is disturbance in a specific dimension.

To be centered is the natural inner state of Humans. They rarely reach it trap in dualistic ways of doing. They feel trapped, influence, under pressure, all this comes from their learned behavioral codes coming from mainly from parents and culture. They don’t allow themselves to look at life directly without the filter of what we have learned and our culture. People need to know how to look at things through the filter of the reasons based on what they have learned form parents and their culture. They will act and look at things according to these parameters. Will not pay attention if it is not something that resonates with their culture. Octagon Energy helps us to be centered and see things for what they are and not for what they can give you. You receive an essential knowledged.

You receive a book of theory and application of the Octagon Energy as well as a certification that you have received the course. I am at all time available to answer any questions that you may have after you have been certified.

An Octagon course activation takes 180 min. the price is : $240. tx incl.

Octagon Energy Session


-Reach your center: Feel free from any influence allowing you to take the decision that you need.

-Get support in the 5 dimensions: Essential, inspiration/direction. mind/visualization, emotion/communication, physical/materialization. When we need to figure out things, Octagon energy Session will elevate your frequencies allowing a broader perspective.

- Get out of these tensions that we experience in our everyday lives. We eventually think that to live in turmoil and debate is the natural way of living. In fact it rocks from positive to negative never allowing us to free ourselves from a dualistic life experience. Octagon Energy centers you so that you can see things clearly without the dualistic influence.

An Octagon Energy Session is of 120minutes: $180.00 tx incl.

In person sessions/consultations are held at one of the following locations. Location is chosen by proximity and availability.

1565, avenue du Mont-Royal Est,
Montréal, QC, H2J 1Z3
Métro: station Mont-Royal

7, Place du Commerce #202
Montréal, QC, H3E 2B5
Bus: 168, 178

4365 rue Saint-Denis
Montréal, QC, H2J 2L2
Métro: Station Mont-Royal
Bus : 30, 361, 427, 29

3287 St-Jacques Local 105
Métro: Station Lionel Groulx

Price includes sales taxes. Payments can be made in person in cash or via e-transfer.
You can also make your payment via PayPal.

Octagon Energy