
I see Tarot through its symbolism as a door to your inner world. Tarot cards reveal what lies under the scenarios of your life. It is more important to understand the essential meaning of an event than to describe the facts only. Nothing is revealed from facts. Facts that happen in your life are consequences and outcomes of what is not revealed. What created the facts is the most important to know. This is where Tarot cards come handy for each and everyone of us.To know what underlies the scenarios of your life is giving yourself the capacity to modify, accept and make changes in your life. I know that we start most of the time with what is troubling us. So here are some common situations. You all at least faced one or many of these topics in your lives.The facts in each life can look similar, but they have different sources for each and everyone of you. Understanding the source is the most important thing. The source is you. Understand yourself. Have access to the possibility to change the course of certain things in your life or make it better. Evolve and expand your capacity of understanding what is disturbing you or what are your great talents. Tarot can help to take the lead instead of letting unconscious elements influence the course of your life.

For relationships.
There is always something that we don’t see because we want an ideal to reach.This ideal is always linked with other unsaid needs.To sort out what is, helps to clarify what we are really looking for. Is it really love or something else? With Tarot reading, we can get to the bottom of this. You will be up to clarify what you consider a love relationship and see if it is about love or about something else. Understanding what is happening enables you to love freely instead of loving with a goal in mind. You can have a sound new start in your relationship or free yourself from a relationship that  didn’t or doesn’t work in a sane way.

For money.
How do you see money? The relationship you have with it, explains how you deal with life. Any trouble with money comes from mind conditioning. You need to know the source, you need to know the real perspective that you have on money and the energy will flow back in the right way, with ease. Many times, you think that money itself is the absolute solution. Money pays for material, and allows time to think. Do you allow yourself to think freely?

If you do not have a sane relationship with money, you use it for senseless things. When you don’t have money, you are money obsessed. When you are money oriented, it may lead to addiction. In both cases, you pay a dear price and you still are not in command of your own life. What’s the use of money if at the end money is leading your life decision.

Money preoccupations can be a cover up to your own insecurity. How come you still have insecurities when you have plenty of money? Money dilemma is about the capacity to be at the helm of our own boat so to speak and allow yourself freedom of choices which is not about money at all.

For goal.
When we can’t reach our goal what does that imply? Is it because the goal is not coming from yourself? It is a fair question to ask yourself. Sometimes you pursue this goal for another purpose than the goal itself, as to get recognition or for another reason. It is the most important thing to know. Is your goal meaningful to you or to get recognition? Come discover what you need to know about it.

For blockage.
You always think that what blocks you is something evil, like a curse.  Something that is out of your control and forces you to take a specific direction. You are right, on all accounts.You have to know what is behind that before you can free yourself. Many times many philosophers or idealists, spiritual leaders are saying that it is all about you. I have news for you…It isn’t the case. Come to see the nature of  blockages. They are a combination of learned habits and you cling to them without even knowing why. The dissolution of this attachment is possible when you understand what is the nature of this attachment.

For solution.
Solution needs creativity, not wishful thinking. It is not computing thinking either. It comprises a feel of the energy of how things mesh together. A solution is a catalyst for a situation. It makes everything work together. When we can’t find a solution, it is because we don’t see the complete pictures. It is because we stick to wishful thinking. Or it is something else that we do not see. This missing part is part of the solution.

For direction.
Why sometimes you can’t find the proper course for your life? Live a meaningless life? Does not really make you feel that it is what you want it to be. Lack of inspiration. To be in contact with your inspiration is a must for a meaningful direction.

For a specific situation.
Many times you don’t seem to know what to do. Perspective is something that you have to change, switch the angle of how you see things. The good thing is, your own capacity to change  lies within you. Tarot helps to simply remove the opacity of rigid points of views that are at the heart of you not finding the way. Understanding rigidity in points of view is a must to allow inspiration to come into you. When your inspiration flows in you, it  is like metal attracted by a magnet, there is no doubt, no debate and everything sticks perfectly together to find the perfect way to deal with it. Understanding that you are the sole source of your own solution is important instead of trying to find a solution coming from outside. Outside solution will never fit you perfectly. Why come to me then? Fair question. From my tarot reading, you develop openness to your own inspiration. Your inspiration is revealed through the cards, me, I only read them.

In person: 60 mins. // $99 CAD
On video conference: 60 mins. // $99 CAD

To book a reading, please email me at pierrelafleurtarotreiki@gmail.com

In person sessions/consultations are held at one of the following locations. Location is chosen by proximity and availability.

1565, avenue du Mont-Royal Est,
Montréal, QC, H2J 1Z3
Métro: station Mont-Royal

7, Place du Commerce #202
Montréal, QC, H3E 2B5
Bus: 168, 178

4365 rue Saint-Denis
Montréal, QC, H2J 2L2
Métro: Station Mont-Royal
Bus : 30, 361, 427, 29

3287 St-Jacques Local 105
Métro: Station Lionel Groulx

Price includes sales taxes. Payments can be made in person in cash or via e-transfer.
You can also make your payment via PayPal.