Reiki Energy Healing
In my reiki session, you will experience Reiki energy. It brings deep inner relaxation. This energy works in 5 dimensions: The essential, the physical, emotion, mind, inspiration. Reiki energy travels through time going in the past, present and future of your life. Reiki energy is timeless because it is essential.This spiritually guided energy goes through me and helps me to sense what is happening in you. You receive reiki energy coming through the palms of my hand. My hands are going over your body, sending energy. After the session, I give you my reading of your energetic field and we share what you have experienced in the session. I tell you in which field of your life you needed more energy and give recommendations accordingly.
60 mins. // $99 CAD
Chakra Alignment
In this session of reiki I show you, with a pendulum, where you need more energy. I will tell you what it means and give you information, from the nature of each chakra, in which area of your life you should pay attention to. After the session I redo a reading of your energy with the pendulum and you will be able to witness that your energy is rebalanced in all chakras.
60 mins. // $99 CAD
Stress Out: Have Your Stress Out of Your Energy Field
In this session, I spend more time in specific areas of your body to make you relax fully. I use a specific reiki symbol to help the process. The beauty of relaxation helps to elevate your energy frequencies and you feel lighter and more open to what life offers you.
60 mins. // $99CAD
Blockage Release
Sometimes, you don’t want to know things about certain segments of your life. You try to escape. You simply block what you don’t want to see. It deviates your life's trajectory in a way that you don’t want. You need a blockage release. A blockage release is dissolving the energy attachment to the blockage conditioning your life’s outcome. It will allow you to make changes in your life. A change in your life happens, when you make it happen.
90mins. // $180 CAD
Spirit Release
It happens that you feel attached to someone and that you feel their influences in your life. This attachment can go beyond life time. Sometimes the spirit of someone stays in touch with your soul. You need to deal with it. Free the spirit to the higher spiritual realms so that you do not have to live their influence in your everyday life.The resonance of any spirit comes from similar vibrations that lies within you. The important thing is to realize what creates these vibrations in yourselves. The reiki energy spirit release will dissolve the energy attachment with these vibrations. Understanding what links you with this spirit helps you to free yourselves from these attachments, and see a part of you with different eyes. The spirit influence can be as well from people alive.
90 mins. // $180CAD
Enjoy Reiki Together
Come and experience reiki together as couples, or as friends. Get to know how your friend or your loved one experiences reiki energy. Sometimes we want to work through issues of our friendship or couple and make adjustments. Sometimes it is only relaxation among friends and couples to feel good inside. Reiki energy allows you to elevate vibrations and helps you to be open and see things in another perspective when needed. Relaxation is making us connect with the here and now and with what is really important for us. Our attention goes beyond the petty things and allows you to embrace fully what is essential for you at that very moment.
120 mins. // $180 CAD
Turbo Reiki
I join in this session with Elena Oulianova. 2 master reiki practitioners are giving you a boost of energy. We combine our talent to give you the best possible energy back up and you receive as well our reading of your energy bringing two perspectives on your energy field.
120 mins. // $180 CAD
Distance Reiki
When you don’t have time to come for an in person session, I can give distance reiki energy. No boundaries are too far. I gave Distance Reiki sessions for people in France, Morocco, Vancouver, New York, and Massachusetts. I use a live video session so that I can give you information on your energy field in real time. We talk about your experience and I help to understand your reiki experience. I take time to explain the difference in sensation when it is distance reiki and an in person session. The benefits are the same. It is a matter for me to syntone with your energy field.
60 mins. // 99CAD
In person sessions/consultations are held at one of the following locations. Location is chosen by proximity and availability.
1565, avenue du Mont-Royal Est,
Montréal, QC, H2J 1Z3
Métro: station Mont-Royal
7, Place du Commerce #202
Montréal, QC, H3E 2B5
Bus: 168, 178
4365 rue Saint-Denis
Montréal, QC, H2J 2L2
Métro: Station Mont-Royal
Bus : 30, 361, 427, 29
3287 St-Jacques Local 105
Métro: Station Lionel Groulx
Price includes sales taxes. Payments can be made in person in cash or via e-transfer.
You can also make your payment via PayPal.