Conference and Upcoming Events

November 20th, 13h00- 14h30

Theme: Here we Ego again (in English)

Studio Équilibre 1565 Mt-Royal est , Montreal.

Price $20.00

To sign up: see the e-mail at the bottom of this page

We consider egoistic actions as bad. Our Ego is the manager of all what we need for our survival, our emotional needs, our mind feeding, as well as our inspiration in life. Any feed for all aspects of our life is managed by our Ego. Many people have bad habits of food, have difficulties in love, misconceive situations that they deal with… All this comes from a weak Ego. What we consider a strong Ego in our society, is imposing our will. In fact it is weak and insane as well. There is a way to develop a strong and sane Ego; it is in fact a priority. We have to understand the source of bad choices that we cling to. These choices that we cling to are considered to many, as egoistic. These choices have nothing to do with Ego. Developing a strong and sane Ego, through essential understanding, helps to detach from these bad choices that lead to complications in our lives. Many of those choices fill a void in ourselves. What makes this void that is the question?

Fear: What is fear? What is the root of fear?  There is a common dominator to any fear. Knowing it, you give yourself a chance to dissolve fear as it comes along. Fear is a reaction, it may happen many times. Why? We always consider the subject of fear as the fear itself which is never the case. It is important to address the reaction of fear and understand what supports it. This common dominator that dominates us when we have that reaction. It is possible to dissolve fear’s inner state.

Anxiety: The state of anxiety is pervading your every move. There is always a doubt, something that makes us worry. We question our every move. We do not trust even if someone tells us it is ok. We look over everything trying to find the mistake. We are nervous to know if it will  work. When it works, we wonder when it will fail. We are afraid that.. Can’t help but second guess. This paralyzes us and everything has the same taste shrouded with the same cloth of disbelief.  What really is behind the anxiety wall? We have to figure it out for real. A reason or a proof is obviously not enough, It has to go beyond that. We have to feel safe at emotion level.

The Negative is it really negative and positive is it really positive.
We always think that the negative that we live in our lives is bad. It prevents us from getting what we want. All that is positive is good and we welcome what is positive. We do everything that we can to avoid negative things. Still it eventually backstabs us. Why? You eventually tell yourself its part of life balance. You try to justify, to accept what is negative and wait it out until it goes away. When in fact the richness of life experience comes with negative experience. Come and understand these 2 aspects of our lives  and reconcile harmoniously with what appears to be contradictions.

If you are planning a conference, retreat or panel and would like to hire me as a speaker, please contact me at